Brazing refers to a group of joining processes that produces coalescence of materials by heating them to brazing temperature in the presence of a brazing filler metal that has a liquidus temperature above 840”F (450'C) and below the solidus temperature of the base metals. The brazing filler metal is distributed between closely fitted faying surfaces of the joint by capillary action.
The five elements of Brazing are :
Joint Design - Lap or Butt Joint; Joint clearance
Base Materials – Chemistry, Hardness
Filler Metals – Chemistry, Solidus-Liquidus
Source of Heat - Electrical, Oxy fuel Gas.
Protective Cover- Fluxes.
Filler Metals
Brazing filler metals are complex alloys made up of three or more metals to produce a successful braze depending on the intended use or application. Ability to spread and adhere to base metals, suitable melting range and fluidity are factors that help in determining a suitable filler metal.
These filler metals are available in various forms such as Rod, Wire, Strips, Pre forms, Paste and Flux Coated Rods. Suitability to the application helps in determining the form in which the Brazing Filler Metals should be used.
Brazing Flux is a mixture of chemicals that is used to prevent the formation of oxides and other undesirable substances in molten brazing filler metal and on solid base metal surfaces. By removing the surface oxides brazing flux reduces surface tension and promotes the free flow of brazing filler metal. Flux also serves the purpose of cleaning any contamination left on the brazing surfaces. It can be applied in various forms such as paste, liquid, powder or pre-made brazing pastes that combine flux with filler metal powder. Flux can also be applied using brazing rods with a coating of flux or a flux core.
Our Offering
We are a single source supplier for all your brazing needs including brazing alloys and their fluxes. Based on extensive research and product innovation, our comprehensive range of products includes:.